Why EOS Alone Isn’t Enough: How the Strategic Clarity Canvas Fills the Gap

Strategic Clarity Canvas vs. EOS’s Vision Traction Organizer (V/TO)

EOS is great for execution, but it's not enough. See how the Strategic Clarity Canvas adds depth to your EOS framework and drives profitability.

Strategic Clarity Canvas vs. EOS’s Vision Traction Organizer (V/TO)

EOS is great for execution, but it's not enough. See how the Strategic Clarity Canvas adds depth to your EOS framework and drives profitability.

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Strategic Clarity Canvas vs. EOS’s Vision Traction Organizer (V/TO)

At Fractional Partners, we love EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System). It’s a fantastic framework that helps businesses move forward by aligning people and priorities under a shared vision. The system is simple, powerful, and widely adopted. But after working with many businesses that have implemented EOS, we’ve identified a key limitation: EOS, on its own, is not a strategic system.

That’s why we developed the Strategic Clarity Canvas—to add the depth that EOS is missing. While EOS helps ensure that people are focused and getting the right things done, it doesn’t provide the strategic clarity businesses need to achieve their goals. In this article, we’ll explore the gap in EOS, compare it to our Strategic Clarity Canvas, and show you how to integrate the two systems for better results.

What is EOS and the Vision Traction Organizer?

EOS is built around several key tools that help businesses operate more smoothly, one of which is the Vision Traction Organizer (V/TO). The V/TO asks eight core questions designed to help businesses define their vision and set a clear path forward. The questions focus on things like your core values, your core focus, your 10-year target, and basic elements of your marketing strategy.

These questions are essential for aligning your team and setting a long-term vision. EOS helps businesses ensure the right things are getting done, and it creates traction by keeping everyone on the same page. But while the V/TO is great for high-level vision and execution, it doesn’t go deep enough into strategy.

The Problem: A Strategic Gap in EOS

The problem we’ve found is that EOS confuses vision with strategy. Vision is where you want to go—your destination. Strategy, on the other hand, is the detailed plan of how you’re going to get there. It’s not just the tactics or steps you’ll take (which EOS excels at managing), but the overall approach you’ll use to navigate the market.

In our experience, the eight questions in the Vision Traction Organizer don’t go deep enough to help businesses truly understand their strategy. They focus more on vision and marketing, leaving significant gaps when it comes to clarifying the path to achieve that vision. For many businesses, especially those with more complex operations or growth ambitions, this lack of clarity leads to confusion, misalignment, and wasted effort.

Simply answering those eight questions isn’t enough for a business to have a comprehensive strategy.

Introducing the Strategic Clarity Canvas

That’s where the Strategic Clarity Canvas comes in. After working with many businesses that implemented EOS, we saw the need for a tool that would fill in the gaps left by the Vision Traction Organizer. We didn’t want to reinvent EOS because it’s a great execution system, but we wanted to provide the missing strategic component.

Strategic Clarity Canvas

The Strategic Clarity Canvas is a free one-page tool that includes everything EOS covers in the vision part of the Vision Traction Organizer, but it goes much deeper. It asks the critical questions that EOS misses—questions that help businesses truly understand their strategy, align their team, and ultimately become more profitable.

It’s part of our larger Clarity Canvas methodology, which helps businesses achieve clarity in three key areas: financials, strategy, and operations. If you want to learn more about the overall methodology, check out our article on how to use the Clarity Canvas Framework to create a high profitable business.

For now, let’s focus on how the Strategic Clarity Canvas fills the strategic gap in EOS.

Side-by-Side Comparison: Vision Traction Organizer vs. Strategic Clarity Canvas

Both the Vision Traction Organizer (V/TO) from EOS and the Strategic Clarity Canvas are designed to bring alignment to your business. However, the Strategic Clarity Canvas digs much deeper and focuses on helping you see how your business really operates. Let’s take a look at how they’re similar and where they differ.


There are a few areas where both tools cover similar ground:

  • Core Values vs. Rules We Play By: EOS uses Core Values to define your company’s culture, while the Strategic Clarity Canvas calls them Rules We Play By. They’re similar, but the Canvas makes them more direct—like a set of rules everyone must follow to ensure your team is on the same page.
  • Core Focus vs. Unique Offer: EOS asks about your Core Focus, which is what your business does best. The Strategic Clarity Canvas takes it further by asking about your Unique Offer—what makes your business stand out and why customers choose you over competitors.
  • 10-Year Target vs. Ultimate Goal: EOS’s 10-Year Target sets a clear goal for the long term. The Canvas uses Ultimate Goal, which is like the 10-Year Target but without a specific timeframe. This gives you flexibility to adjust as your business grows, without losing sight of your big vision.
  • Marketing Strategy: Both tools ask questions around target markets, differentiators, and guarantees. The Strategic Clarity Canvas includes all of this but digs deeper into customer needs and the overall business process to help you stay aligned.


Now, let’s get into where the Strategic Clarity Canvas adds much more value and depth:

1. Structured Like How a Business Operates

One of the biggest differences is how the Strategic Clarity Canvas is structured. Unlike the Vision Traction Organizer, which is essentially a list of questions, the Canvas is designed to mimic the way a business operates. It’s laid out in a way that shows how all the key parts of your business—company, customers, revenue streams, and processes—fit together and interact.

The base Clarity Canvas and it's unique structure (read more about the base canvas)

This structured approach gives you a clearer view of how the different elements of your business impact each other. For example, understanding how customer clarity influences revenue, or how your internal rules impact processes, helps you identify where things are working or where gaps might exist.

2. Customer Clarity: Going Beyond Target Markets

While EOS asks basic questions like “Who is your target market?” the Strategic Clarity Canvas digs much deeper to provide full clarity on your customers. Instead of just defining your target audience, we ask two additional questions that go beyond demographics and psychographics:

  • What do your customers truly want? – This question focuses on understanding your customers' emotional desires and what they are truly looking for from your product or service. It’s not just about understanding their needs—it’s about tapping into the underlying motivations that drive their decisions.
  • What are their biggest concerns? – Understanding your customers' pain points—the challenges or fears that keep them up at night—allows you to position your product as the solution they’ve been searching for. Addressing these concerns helps your business connect with customers on a deeper level, leading to more effective marketing and higher conversion rates.

These extra layers of customer insight are essential for tailoring your strategy and making sure your business is truly aligned with the desires and concerns of your audience.

3. Revenue Streams: Focusing on Profit, Not Just Revenue

EOS doesn’t cover the details of revenue streams, which is a critical component of your business. In the Strategic Clarity Canvas, we emphasize the importance of understanding and maximizing your profitability through your revenue streams:

  • What are our most profitable revenue streams? – This question forces you to look beyond your top-line revenue and focus on the profit drivers within your business. Not all revenue streams are created equal, and understanding which ones provide the highest margins is key to maximizing your bottom line.
  • Which revenue streams should we develop next? – Here, we help you identify potential growth areas within your business by asking which revenue streams are underdeveloped or untapped. By planning future revenue development, your business can grow sustainably and with clear intent.

By focusing on these two questions, you gain a deeper understanding of where your profits are coming from and how to strategically grow your business in the future.

4. Company Clarity: Going Beyond Purpose and Niche

In the Strategic Clarity Canvas, the company section goes beyond what EOS offers by diving into three critical areas: Why we exist, What we do best, and What rules we play by. This combo gives businesses a rock-solid foundation to build their strategy, focusing not just on what works, but why they’re here and what makes them tick.

  • Why do we exist? – While EOS has a section for purpose, the Strategic Clarity Canvas takes it a step further. We’re talking about your core reason for being—what drives you and your team to show up every day. This isn't just a nice statement to hang on the wall; it's the guiding compass that helps align every decision with your business’s core mission.
  • What do we do best? – This is your strategic advantage—the unique capabilities that your business excels at, regardless of current market conditions. Unlike EOS’s focus on niche, which is more about external positioning and finding what’s working in the market, the strategic advantage is based on internal capabilities. This approach allows you to leverage your business's true strengths and build sustainable advantages that can weather changing market trends.
  • What rules do we play by? – Similar to EOS’s core values, this section defines the guiding principles that shape your company’s culture and decision-making. But we frame it as the rules of the game—a clearer, more actionable way to set expectations for behavior and decision-making across your team.

5. Process Clarity: A Built-In Business Flow

The "Business Flow" section highlighted in the Strategic Clarity Canvas

One of the most significant differences between EOS and the Strategic Clarity Canvas is how each tool handles the business process. In EOS, there’s a section called Proven Process, which is an open-ended prompt asking you to outline the process that's important to your business. While this can be helpful, the Strategic Clarity Canvas takes it a step further by embedding the process directly into its structure through the Business Flow section, ensuring a more detailed and practical approach.

The Business Flow in the Strategic Clarity Canvas consists of four key stages: Discovery, Purchase, Production, and Loyalty.

The process is broken into four key stages:

  • Discovery: The Canvas starts by asking, “How do they discover us?”, This stage focuses on visibility—how do potential customers find your business? It forces you to think critically about the channels and strategies you use to create awareness, whether through digital marketing, word-of-mouth, or other methods.
  • Purchase: This stage includes two key questions: “Why should they trust us?” and “What do we guarantee?”. These questions help you build credibility and remove friction from the buying process. “Why should they trust us?” dives deeper than EOS’s Three Uniques by addressing specific reasons customers can rely on your business, while “What do we guarantee?” reassures them by offering clear commitments, similar to the EOS guarantee.`
  • Production: Instead of just listing production steps, the Canvas asks, “How do we exceed expectations?”. This question ensures that you’re always thinking about how to create a wow experience for your customers—something that goes beyond what they expect and leaves a lasting positive impression.
  • Loyalty: The final section asks, “How do we keep them coming back?” and “How do we get them to spread the word?”. These questions ensure you have a strong retention and referral strategy in place, helping you keep customers engaged and encouraging them to recommend your business to others.

By addressing each stage of the Business Flow, the Strategic Clarity Canvas gives you a structured, practical roadmap for managing your business processes. Unlike EOS’s open-ended Proven Process section, this approach forces you to think through every step in your customer journey, ensuring you leave no gaps and optimize every stage for success.

The Benefits of Using the Strategic Clarity Canvas

Using the Strategic Clarity Canvas instead of just the Vision Traction Organizer has some major advantages:

  1. Clarity: The Strategic Clarity Canvas forces you to think through every aspect of your strategy, from your customers to your processes. This clarity helps your team align around a common plan, reducing ambiguity and confusion.
  2. Efficiency: By filling in the gaps left by EOS, you’ll have a more complete understanding of how your business works. This leads to fewer mistakes, less wasted effort, and more cohesive execution.
  3. Profitability: When you have clarity on your strategy, it’s easier to focus on the activities that drive the most profit. You’ll be able to double down on what works and avoid distractions that don’t move the needle.

Without this clarity, businesses tend to make guesses. And when everyone is guessing, they’re likely moving in different directions, which creates wasted effort, inefficiency, and ultimately lost profit. The Strategic Clarity Canvas helps you avoid that by giving everyone a clear roadmap to follow.

Addressing Concerns of EOS Purists

We know there are plenty of EOS purists out there—people who follow EOS to the letter. They might say, “EOS already has everything you need.” But at Fractional Partners, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all systems.

The truth is, every business is different. Some businesses are simple, and EOS might be enough for them. But for complex or growing businesses, more is needed. The Strategic Clarity Canvas adds the strategic depth that EOS lacks, while still allowing you to benefit from EOS’s strengths in execution.

There’s no perfect system. The best approach is to take the principles that work and customize them for your business. EOS is great for execution, but don’t be afraid to add tools like the Strategic Clarity Canvas to fill in the gaps and make your business even more successful.

How to Integrate the Strategic Clarity Canvas with EOS

We’re not saying you need to stop using EOS. In fact, EOS is a fantastic system for getting things done and keeping your team aligned. But when it comes to strategy, you can do better.

We recommend using the Strategic Clarity Canvas to replace the vision part of your Vision Traction Organizer. This way, you’re not losing any of the benefits of EOS, but you’re adding the depth that will help you create a more detailed, actionable strategy.

You can still use EOS for execution—Level 10 meetings, quarterly planning, and so on—but use the Strategic Clarity Canvas for the strategic planning part. If you really want to take it to the next level, you can also replace the traction part of EOS with our Operational Clarity Canvas for clearer execution.

Download the Strategic Clarity Canvas for Free

Free Strategic Clarity Canvas. Download here

The Strategic Clarity Canvas is available as a free tool, and we encourage you to download it and start using it today. You can try it out in your next quarterly planning session in place of the Vision Traction Organizer to see for yourself how it provides more clarity and depth. Use this article to get started!

For businesses that find gaps or challenges when filling out the Canvas—perhaps you’re not entirely clear on certain aspects of your strategy, or you’re unsure whether your answers are truly aligned—we offer a Strategic Clarity Sprint.

The Strategic Clarity Sprint is a 12-week intensive program where we work with you to fill out the canvas together, ensuring that the strategy you develop is solid and impactful. This sprint can be done in conjunction with any EOS implementer you may already be working with. We’re not here to replace EOS or its implementers—we’re here to make sure your strategy is as clear and effective as possible.

In addition, we offer a Free Clarity Call for businesses doing over $500,000 in sales. This call is designed to help you identify the clarity gaps in your business. There’s no commitment—it’s simply a way for us to provide value and help you succeed. You can come prepared with your version of the Strategic Clarity Canvas (if you’ve already tried filling it out), or we can work on it together during the call. Either way, the Free Clarity Call is a great first step to understanding how to strengthen your strategy and become more profitable.

Trademark Disclaimer
EOS®, Vision Traction Organizer®, and other tools are registered trademarks of EOS Worldwide. We are not affiliated with EOS Worldwide and do not offer implementation services.

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Strategic Clarity Canvas vs. EOS’s Vision Traction Organizer (V/TO)

EOS is great for execution, but it's not enough. See how the Strategic Clarity Canvas adds depth to your EOS framework and drives profitability.
Strategic Clarity Canvas vs. EOS’s Vision Traction Organizer (V/TO)
Written by
Yarin Gaon

At Fractional Partners, we love EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System). It’s a fantastic framework that helps businesses move forward by aligning people and priorities under a shared vision. The system is simple, powerful, and widely adopted. But after working with many businesses that have implemented EOS, we’ve identified a key limitation: EOS, on its own, is not a strategic system.

That’s why we developed the Strategic Clarity Canvas—to add the depth that EOS is missing. While EOS helps ensure that people are focused and getting the right things done, it doesn’t provide the strategic clarity businesses need to achieve their goals. In this article, we’ll explore the gap in EOS, compare it to our Strategic Clarity Canvas, and show you how to integrate the two systems for better results.

What is EOS and the Vision Traction Organizer?

EOS is built around several key tools that help businesses operate more smoothly, one of which is the Vision Traction Organizer (V/TO). The V/TO asks eight core questions designed to help businesses define their vision and set a clear path forward. The questions focus on things like your core values, your core focus, your 10-year target, and basic elements of your marketing strategy.

These questions are essential for aligning your team and setting a long-term vision. EOS helps businesses ensure the right things are getting done, and it creates traction by keeping everyone on the same page. But while the V/TO is great for high-level vision and execution, it doesn’t go deep enough into strategy.

The Problem: A Strategic Gap in EOS

The problem we’ve found is that EOS confuses vision with strategy. Vision is where you want to go—your destination. Strategy, on the other hand, is the detailed plan of how you’re going to get there. It’s not just the tactics or steps you’ll take (which EOS excels at managing), but the overall approach you’ll use to navigate the market.

In our experience, the eight questions in the Vision Traction Organizer don’t go deep enough to help businesses truly understand their strategy. They focus more on vision and marketing, leaving significant gaps when it comes to clarifying the path to achieve that vision. For many businesses, especially those with more complex operations or growth ambitions, this lack of clarity leads to confusion, misalignment, and wasted effort.

Simply answering those eight questions isn’t enough for a business to have a comprehensive strategy.

Introducing the Strategic Clarity Canvas

That’s where the Strategic Clarity Canvas comes in. After working with many businesses that implemented EOS, we saw the need for a tool that would fill in the gaps left by the Vision Traction Organizer. We didn’t want to reinvent EOS because it’s a great execution system, but we wanted to provide the missing strategic component.

Strategic Clarity Canvas

The Strategic Clarity Canvas is a free one-page tool that includes everything EOS covers in the vision part of the Vision Traction Organizer, but it goes much deeper. It asks the critical questions that EOS misses—questions that help businesses truly understand their strategy, align their team, and ultimately become more profitable.

It’s part of our larger Clarity Canvas methodology, which helps businesses achieve clarity in three key areas: financials, strategy, and operations. If you want to learn more about the overall methodology, check out our article on how to use the Clarity Canvas Framework to create a high profitable business.

For now, let’s focus on how the Strategic Clarity Canvas fills the strategic gap in EOS.

Side-by-Side Comparison: Vision Traction Organizer vs. Strategic Clarity Canvas

Both the Vision Traction Organizer (V/TO) from EOS and the Strategic Clarity Canvas are designed to bring alignment to your business. However, the Strategic Clarity Canvas digs much deeper and focuses on helping you see how your business really operates. Let’s take a look at how they’re similar and where they differ.


There are a few areas where both tools cover similar ground:

  • Core Values vs. Rules We Play By: EOS uses Core Values to define your company’s culture, while the Strategic Clarity Canvas calls them Rules We Play By. They’re similar, but the Canvas makes them more direct—like a set of rules everyone must follow to ensure your team is on the same page.
  • Core Focus vs. Unique Offer: EOS asks about your Core Focus, which is what your business does best. The Strategic Clarity Canvas takes it further by asking about your Unique Offer—what makes your business stand out and why customers choose you over competitors.
  • 10-Year Target vs. Ultimate Goal: EOS’s 10-Year Target sets a clear goal for the long term. The Canvas uses Ultimate Goal, which is like the 10-Year Target but without a specific timeframe. This gives you flexibility to adjust as your business grows, without losing sight of your big vision.
  • Marketing Strategy: Both tools ask questions around target markets, differentiators, and guarantees. The Strategic Clarity Canvas includes all of this but digs deeper into customer needs and the overall business process to help you stay aligned.


Now, let’s get into where the Strategic Clarity Canvas adds much more value and depth:

1. Structured Like How a Business Operates

One of the biggest differences is how the Strategic Clarity Canvas is structured. Unlike the Vision Traction Organizer, which is essentially a list of questions, the Canvas is designed to mimic the way a business operates. It’s laid out in a way that shows how all the key parts of your business—company, customers, revenue streams, and processes—fit together and interact.

The base Clarity Canvas and it's unique structure (read more about the base canvas)

This structured approach gives you a clearer view of how the different elements of your business impact each other. For example, understanding how customer clarity influences revenue, or how your internal rules impact processes, helps you identify where things are working or where gaps might exist.

2. Customer Clarity: Going Beyond Target Markets

While EOS asks basic questions like “Who is your target market?” the Strategic Clarity Canvas digs much deeper to provide full clarity on your customers. Instead of just defining your target audience, we ask two additional questions that go beyond demographics and psychographics:

  • What do your customers truly want? – This question focuses on understanding your customers' emotional desires and what they are truly looking for from your product or service. It’s not just about understanding their needs—it’s about tapping into the underlying motivations that drive their decisions.
  • What are their biggest concerns? – Understanding your customers' pain points—the challenges or fears that keep them up at night—allows you to position your product as the solution they’ve been searching for. Addressing these concerns helps your business connect with customers on a deeper level, leading to more effective marketing and higher conversion rates.

These extra layers of customer insight are essential for tailoring your strategy and making sure your business is truly aligned with the desires and concerns of your audience.

3. Revenue Streams: Focusing on Profit, Not Just Revenue

EOS doesn’t cover the details of revenue streams, which is a critical component of your business. In the Strategic Clarity Canvas, we emphasize the importance of understanding and maximizing your profitability through your revenue streams:

  • What are our most profitable revenue streams? – This question forces you to look beyond your top-line revenue and focus on the profit drivers within your business. Not all revenue streams are created equal, and understanding which ones provide the highest margins is key to maximizing your bottom line.
  • Which revenue streams should we develop next? – Here, we help you identify potential growth areas within your business by asking which revenue streams are underdeveloped or untapped. By planning future revenue development, your business can grow sustainably and with clear intent.

By focusing on these two questions, you gain a deeper understanding of where your profits are coming from and how to strategically grow your business in the future.

4. Company Clarity: Going Beyond Purpose and Niche

In the Strategic Clarity Canvas, the company section goes beyond what EOS offers by diving into three critical areas: Why we exist, What we do best, and What rules we play by. This combo gives businesses a rock-solid foundation to build their strategy, focusing not just on what works, but why they’re here and what makes them tick.

  • Why do we exist? – While EOS has a section for purpose, the Strategic Clarity Canvas takes it a step further. We’re talking about your core reason for being—what drives you and your team to show up every day. This isn't just a nice statement to hang on the wall; it's the guiding compass that helps align every decision with your business’s core mission.
  • What do we do best? – This is your strategic advantage—the unique capabilities that your business excels at, regardless of current market conditions. Unlike EOS’s focus on niche, which is more about external positioning and finding what’s working in the market, the strategic advantage is based on internal capabilities. This approach allows you to leverage your business's true strengths and build sustainable advantages that can weather changing market trends.
  • What rules do we play by? – Similar to EOS’s core values, this section defines the guiding principles that shape your company’s culture and decision-making. But we frame it as the rules of the game—a clearer, more actionable way to set expectations for behavior and decision-making across your team.

5. Process Clarity: A Built-In Business Flow

The "Business Flow" section highlighted in the Strategic Clarity Canvas

One of the most significant differences between EOS and the Strategic Clarity Canvas is how each tool handles the business process. In EOS, there’s a section called Proven Process, which is an open-ended prompt asking you to outline the process that's important to your business. While this can be helpful, the Strategic Clarity Canvas takes it a step further by embedding the process directly into its structure through the Business Flow section, ensuring a more detailed and practical approach.

The Business Flow in the Strategic Clarity Canvas consists of four key stages: Discovery, Purchase, Production, and Loyalty.

The process is broken into four key stages:

  • Discovery: The Canvas starts by asking, “How do they discover us?”, This stage focuses on visibility—how do potential customers find your business? It forces you to think critically about the channels and strategies you use to create awareness, whether through digital marketing, word-of-mouth, or other methods.
  • Purchase: This stage includes two key questions: “Why should they trust us?” and “What do we guarantee?”. These questions help you build credibility and remove friction from the buying process. “Why should they trust us?” dives deeper than EOS’s Three Uniques by addressing specific reasons customers can rely on your business, while “What do we guarantee?” reassures them by offering clear commitments, similar to the EOS guarantee.`
  • Production: Instead of just listing production steps, the Canvas asks, “How do we exceed expectations?”. This question ensures that you’re always thinking about how to create a wow experience for your customers—something that goes beyond what they expect and leaves a lasting positive impression.
  • Loyalty: The final section asks, “How do we keep them coming back?” and “How do we get them to spread the word?”. These questions ensure you have a strong retention and referral strategy in place, helping you keep customers engaged and encouraging them to recommend your business to others.

By addressing each stage of the Business Flow, the Strategic Clarity Canvas gives you a structured, practical roadmap for managing your business processes. Unlike EOS’s open-ended Proven Process section, this approach forces you to think through every step in your customer journey, ensuring you leave no gaps and optimize every stage for success.

The Benefits of Using the Strategic Clarity Canvas

Using the Strategic Clarity Canvas instead of just the Vision Traction Organizer has some major advantages:

  1. Clarity: The Strategic Clarity Canvas forces you to think through every aspect of your strategy, from your customers to your processes. This clarity helps your team align around a common plan, reducing ambiguity and confusion.
  2. Efficiency: By filling in the gaps left by EOS, you’ll have a more complete understanding of how your business works. This leads to fewer mistakes, less wasted effort, and more cohesive execution.
  3. Profitability: When you have clarity on your strategy, it’s easier to focus on the activities that drive the most profit. You’ll be able to double down on what works and avoid distractions that don’t move the needle.

Without this clarity, businesses tend to make guesses. And when everyone is guessing, they’re likely moving in different directions, which creates wasted effort, inefficiency, and ultimately lost profit. The Strategic Clarity Canvas helps you avoid that by giving everyone a clear roadmap to follow.

Addressing Concerns of EOS Purists

We know there are plenty of EOS purists out there—people who follow EOS to the letter. They might say, “EOS already has everything you need.” But at Fractional Partners, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all systems.

The truth is, every business is different. Some businesses are simple, and EOS might be enough for them. But for complex or growing businesses, more is needed. The Strategic Clarity Canvas adds the strategic depth that EOS lacks, while still allowing you to benefit from EOS’s strengths in execution.

There’s no perfect system. The best approach is to take the principles that work and customize them for your business. EOS is great for execution, but don’t be afraid to add tools like the Strategic Clarity Canvas to fill in the gaps and make your business even more successful.

How to Integrate the Strategic Clarity Canvas with EOS

We’re not saying you need to stop using EOS. In fact, EOS is a fantastic system for getting things done and keeping your team aligned. But when it comes to strategy, you can do better.

We recommend using the Strategic Clarity Canvas to replace the vision part of your Vision Traction Organizer. This way, you’re not losing any of the benefits of EOS, but you’re adding the depth that will help you create a more detailed, actionable strategy.

You can still use EOS for execution—Level 10 meetings, quarterly planning, and so on—but use the Strategic Clarity Canvas for the strategic planning part. If you really want to take it to the next level, you can also replace the traction part of EOS with our Operational Clarity Canvas for clearer execution.

Download the Strategic Clarity Canvas for Free

Free Strategic Clarity Canvas. Download here

The Strategic Clarity Canvas is available as a free tool, and we encourage you to download it and start using it today. You can try it out in your next quarterly planning session in place of the Vision Traction Organizer to see for yourself how it provides more clarity and depth. Use this article to get started!

For businesses that find gaps or challenges when filling out the Canvas—perhaps you’re not entirely clear on certain aspects of your strategy, or you’re unsure whether your answers are truly aligned—we offer a Strategic Clarity Sprint.

The Strategic Clarity Sprint is a 12-week intensive program where we work with you to fill out the canvas together, ensuring that the strategy you develop is solid and impactful. This sprint can be done in conjunction with any EOS implementer you may already be working with. We’re not here to replace EOS or its implementers—we’re here to make sure your strategy is as clear and effective as possible.

In addition, we offer a Free Clarity Call for businesses doing over $500,000 in sales. This call is designed to help you identify the clarity gaps in your business. There’s no commitment—it’s simply a way for us to provide value and help you succeed. You can come prepared with your version of the Strategic Clarity Canvas (if you’ve already tried filling it out), or we can work on it together during the call. Either way, the Free Clarity Call is a great first step to understanding how to strengthen your strategy and become more profitable.

Trademark Disclaimer
EOS®, Vision Traction Organizer®, and other tools are registered trademarks of EOS Worldwide. We are not affiliated with EOS Worldwide and do not offer implementation services.

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