Let’s uncover your most profitable strategy with our
Strategic Clarity Sprint

In this 12-week sprint, together we fill your Strategic Clarity Canvas to give you a clear view of your strategy and winning business model, so you can build the most profitable version of your business

Not having a clear strategic plan has massive hidden costs

Losing profit and wasting money

By trying everything without a plan, you’re wasting time and money instead of doubling down on what works.

Trapped in daily chaos with no clear direction

You’re stuck putting out fires daily, grinding through challenges, while the team lacks direction and focus.

Scaling without a plan is a recipe for failure

You risk losing ground to competitors and scaling parts of your business that shouldn’t be scaled.

Strategic clarity unlocks your business

The Strategic Clarity Canvas helps you focus on the simplest path to extreme profits, streamline operations, and scale the right areas for growth. It aligns your team with a clear plan and answers critical questions across all departments, making your business more profitable and efficient.

Focus on your most profitable business model

Find the easiest path to profit by choosing the right customers, products, and business model, helping owners say 'no' to distractions and 'yes' to what drives profit.

Get your business aligned and running smoothly

Get your team rowing in the same direction, focus on the right processes, and keep your business proactive instead of constantly putting out fires.

Scaling and growing becomes so much easier

You’ll grow faster, more efficiently, and self-fund your growth with everyone working toward the same goals.

Focus on your most business model

The Strategic Clarity Canvas helps you outline the most profitable version of your business - all on one page.

Strategic Clarity Canvas

Ultimate Goal

Unique Offer


Why do we exist?
What rules do we play by?
What do we do best?


Who's our perfect customer?
What do they truly want?
What concerns them the most?

Revenue Streams

Which streams are driving the most profit today?
What existing streams should we focus on right now?
What new streams should we create to better monetize our value?


How do they discover us?


Why should they trust us?
What do we guarantee?


How do we exceed expectations?


how do we keep them coming back?
How do we get them to spread the word?

Create a business that is aligned and runs smoothly

With the Strategic Clarity Canvas, every department gets clear direction, reducing confusion and wasted effort. When everyone knows exactly what to do, your business runs like a well-oiled machine.

Effective Marketing

Know exactly who to target and how to reach them, so your campaigns hit the mark every time.

Convert More Sales

Focus on the right leads and close deals faster by knowing exactly what customers want.

Streamline Operations

Streamline processes to run more efficiently, saving time and reducing mistakes.

Control Finances

Gain full visibility into the numbers, so you can confidently make decisions that grow profit.

Scaling and growing becomes so much easier


Double down on your winning business model

Focus on what you do best, so you can scale quickly and efficiently by following the easiest and most effective path.


Self-fund your growth by reinvesting your profits

Grow without needing outside capital by using your profits to fuel your own expansion. You grow while making profit.


Scale smoothly when everyone’s aligned with the plan

When everyone understands the plan and their role, scaling becomes smoother with fewer mistakes and obstacles along the way.

How? Let's create your Clarity Canvas

Together with your team, we embark on a three-month project designed to reinvent your business strategy and provide crystal-clear direction. It can be done on-site, at a company retreat for the final workshops, or remotely.

Your Fractional Partner

Yarin is our in-house lead Profit Architect. He is a serial entrepreneur, former Entrepreneur in Residence at a VC, and a top MBA. By day he is the founding partner at Fractional Partners and by night is a business mentor at University of Chicago.

12-Week sprint

Financial Clarity

Weeks 1 to 3

We collect and interpret your financial numbers to see what they reveal about your business.

Business Audit

Weeks 3 to 4

We review your business model, customers, and operations to uncover challenges and hidden opportunities.

Strategy Workshops

Weeks 5-11

We sharpen your strategy with fun, hands-on workshops that touch every area of the business

Formalize Canvas

Week 12

We finalize your canvas, ensuring team buy-in, excitement, and clarity around next steps in your business

Clarity changed everything

Hear what other entrepreneurs had to say about how clarity transformed their businesses

Working with Yarin has been nothing short of transformational. I can't even begin to list the number of things we have stopped doing after this process and how it has revolutionized our processes, strategy, and operations. Yarin went above and beyond for us, over-delivered, and gave extra time, energy, and space to ensure we reached our goals. He possesses a unique combination of holding nothing back, saying what needs to be said, and backing it up with solutions and processes that effectively address what doesn't work. Thanks to his guidance, we have significantly improved our productivity, communication, and focus. Remarkably, during what is usually the slowest quarter of the year for us, we doubled our revenue and secured donations to further our mission. We now have a well-defined strategy and process to continue thriving long after our work with him. I look forward to watching our progress as we grow. Yarin truly feels like a fractional partner, seamlessly integrated into our team and working with us to ensure we reach our desired destination. If you seek a no-nonsense, get-it-done partner who delivers results and provides a replicable process, look no further—Yarin is your man.
Eirik Grunde Olsen

Eirik Grunde Olsen

One Solution Foundation

Yarin comes with a ton of entrepreneur experience and deep understanding of the ecosystem and value proposition. It was a pleasure to work with him. He is very knowledgeable and a great communicator.
Malvina De Salvo

Malvina De Salvo


Sometimes we just need someone to kick us in the butt. That was the energy I felt. It's nice when someone can guide you and they feel so clear like they know what they're doing. That could be really nice especially on days where I'm not as confident. I really appreciate the no-bullshit approach.
Shaily Hakimian

Shaily Hakimian

Social Media Sherpa

Great conversation! Helped me put all my thoughts into a concise to-do list in order of importance which was super helpful because I couldn’t do that myself previously and was struggling to see things big picture altogether.
Amanda Finck

Amanda Finck

Little luxuries

You made me think about and consider things that would never come to mind on my own. I was able to clear my head and narrow my focus down to specific things that we further my business instead of having my mind all over the place.
Victoria Sledge

Victoria Sledge

Faux Boujie

As a founder Yarin is the person you want to talk.His unique experience and direct approach will help you simplify your pitch until it becomes crystal clear and gleam insights you may not think through. When Suneel Gupta talks about the importance of "exhibition matches"..practicing in a low stakes environment to help you prepare for high stakes moments, Yarin gives you those matches.
Leslie Amonoo, MD

Leslie Amonoo, MD

Resident Physician

Yarin is an entrepreneur through and through and he's laser focused on helping other founders grow their business. He is a tremendous resource for people who want to get to that next-level of business growth, and personally, I've loved getting to know him over the last year. He's also a connector of high-caliber individuals and puts together excellent events for entrepreneurs in the Austin area who aren't in the tech sector. He's serving a segment of the market that is often ignored, and he does it with excellence.
Tim Vorhoff

Tim Vorhoff


Yarin helped me narrow my focus to problem-solving and helped me find the most profitable parts of my business so I could cultivate them first. He encouraged me to focus more on the online portion of my business which ended up saving me in the long run (pandemic hit shortly after!) my business is still thriving today because of this advice.
Brittany Almeroth

Brittany Almeroth

Aesthetics LLC

Having Yarin as a mentor helped me look at my business from a different perspective. He listened to my questions, and posed new questions that helped me think in a different way to overcome the challenges I was facing in my business. Additionally, his expertise in understanding the financials behind a business was extremely helpful for me in learning about the viability of my business and what areas I needed to focus on in order to ensure the business made sense financially. Yarin is extremely knowledgeable and we always leave with clear action steps.
Mary Liu

Mary Liu


Yarin offered me great insight into key areas of my business that I was overlooking. No matter how prepared you think you are, I would recommend getting his perspective.
Matt Kotin

Matt Kotin


He's young - possibly younger than me - which was briefly questionable. But he knows his stuff, he asks good questions, and he is approachable with my own questions.
Cass Westover

Cass Westover

Homegrown Wrappings

Yarin provided immensely helpful mentoring to help my startup, allowing us to pivot in our early stage and structure amazing channel partnerships!
Vrishank Saini

Vrishank Saini


Our session was extremely helpful in helping refine our pitch and strategy for partnerships. Yarin is a master business strategy mind who has advice for any venture or industry.
Dr. Sanjeev Bhatia

Dr. Sanjeev Bhatia

Joint Preservation Innovations

Yarin is a strong thought partner! I have gotten to know Yarin through a UChicago mentoring program for startup founders. He has given me some important advice/coaching based on the unique way he thinks and his impressive background. Specifically, he helps me push away all the noise that can surround a business and focus on the areas that matter the most. Then, he assists in creating simple yet powerful plans to tackle those areas. He is a strong partner for our business!
Nathan Ohler

Nathan Ohler


Ready to up your clarity game?

Designed for emerging brands

Who are:

Wanting to improve their overall strategy and profitability

Generating $500k-10m in yearly revenue

Biased towards action and open to change

Working with multiple clients or products (have volume)

Strategic Clarity Sprint
12 week engagement, meeting every week
$4,995 /month
Total Cost: $14,985
Completed and finalized Strategic Clarity Canvas
Engaging and fun team workshops
Access to an expert Fractional Partner who guides and supports
Custom additional Financial Canvas to outline numbers & stats
Complete clarity to move your business forward

Commitment-free first session

Have a free Clarity Call to discuss your business with one of our experts to decide if this experience is a good fit for your company

5x ROI Guaranteed

Get 500% ROI on your investment within 12 months or we refund your payment

Full confidentiality

You business data is safe with us and will never be shared with anyone but you and us