You’re leaving money on the table. Let’s find out where.

Profit Blueprint: 5 reports that help business owners design their profit strategy to build a more profitable business

Profit Blueprint™

Profit & Valuation


Profit & Valuation

See the profit and valuation you're missing out on

We show you how much money you could be making if you optimized different activities within the business. You see, in real time, the number you're leaving on the table.  Additionally, see how boosting profits today can increase your business's worth if you decide to sell in the future.




Stop guessing: simulate your next business move

Together in our review meeting, we simulate a shift in your business strategy to optimize the impact of your revenue streams and different metrics. While the other reports show you the numbers themselves, this report allows you to explore what happens if you double down on a winning stream, cut a losing one, or tweak different metrics.

Financial Health


Financial Health

Uncover your true profit & margins

We clean up your P&L by sorting out personal expenses and correctly categorizing costs. This report reveals your true profit and margin, giving you a clear view of how your business is really doing.

Customers & Leads


Clients & Leads

Discover what's happening with your customers and leads.

Before acquiring new customers, make sure you're making the most of the ones you already have. Assess the effectiveness of your marketing, see how well you retain customers, understand the true revenue from each customer, and get a clear picture of your customer base.

Revenue Breakdown


Revenue Streams

Identify your winning and losing revenue streams

We break down your overall revenue into individual streams to reveal their true contribution to your bottom line. Discover which streams are profitable, which ones are losing money, and which have the most growth potential.

Changes people's lives

Yarin helped me narrow my focus and me find the most profitable parts of my business. He encouraged me to focus more on the online portion of my business which ended up saving me in the long run (pandemic hit shortly after!) my business is still thriving today because of this advice.

Nathan Ohler


Yarin helped me push away all the noise that can surround a business and focus on the areas that matter the most. Then, he assists in creating simple yet powerful plans to tackle those areas. He is a strong partner for our business

Brittany Almeroth

Aesthetics LLC

Yarin helped me look at my business from a different perspective. His expertise in understanding the financials behind a business was extremely helpful for me. Yarin is extremely knowledgeable and we always leave with clear action steps.

Mary Liu


Ready to see how much money you're missing out on?

A journey with a
Profit Architect

Our Profit Blueprint™ is so much more than just a report. Over the course of two strategic sessions, experience major "aha moments" working with an expert in Profit Strategy Design. We guide you through the process to interpret the data so you can make actionable decisions about your business.

Meet Yarin

Yarin is our in-house lead Profit Architect. He is a serial entrepreneur, former Entrepreneur in Residence at a VC, and a top MBA. By day he is the founding partner at Fractional Partners and by night is a business mentor at University of Chicago.

A 10-day process


Day one

You place your order for your blueprint and schedule a time for our first kickoff meeting.


Day three: Meeting #1

We meet to go over your data, ask clarifying questions and get to know your business.


Day four

We'll pull your data and start plugging in your numbers to customize your blueprint.


Day ten: Meeting #2

We meet to review the results, identify insights and help you model your next steps.

Designed for emerging brands

Who are:

Wanting to improve their overall strategy and profitability

Generating $500k-10m in yearly revenue

Keeping their financials accessible and digital

Working with multiple clients or products (have volume)

Profit Blueprint™
total cost: $995
2 personalized sessions with a Profit Strategy Expert
All 5 reports, including metrics & insights
Excel file for simulating your next steps
Video recording & transcript of your strategy sessions

Pay only a refundable deposit

Only pay $99 deposit up front. The rest will be paid after we meet and review your data.

5x ROI Guaranteed

Get 500% ROI on your investment within 12 months or we refund your payment

Full confidentiality

You business data is safe with us and will never be shared with anyone but you and us


What data do you need to produce the Profit Blueprint™?

-Profit & Loss statements from the last 2 years
-Transaction data (invoices, Shopify data, etc)
-Information about clients and leads (how many leads you engaged, how many clients you worked with, how many new clients came in, etc)
-If you work with Quickbooks, we will pull the data from it directly

If you don't have access to this info, we will not be able to produce the full report. This offer is based on your ability to easily answer these questions/pull these reports

What is the deliverable?

You will receive two key components:

1. A PDF file with the first three reports, detailing all the numbers and metrics from our due diligence process.
2. An Excel spreadsheet with the last two reports, allowing us (and you) to simulate and manipulate the numbers to run different scenarios.

What is the business owner's involvment in the process?

This is a shared journey between us and the business owner. Numbers tell only one side of the story; we need the business owner to share the other side. For example, we need to understand how to segment your revenue streams, customers, products, locations, channels, and more. Every business is different, and working together makes the report more valuable and insightful. This process sets our report apart from other financial deliverables. Expect about 2 hours of meetings and enough time to gather all the necessary data.

Can you guarantee this will work for my business?

We only work with businesses where we know we can add significant value. That's why we offer a 500% ROI guarantee. If you don't get at least 5x your investment in the 12 months following our engagement, we'll refund your payment in full. Despite this guarantee, no one has ever needed to use it.

What are the payment terms?

This is more than just receiving a PDF in your inbox. There's a real human component to this process. To start, we ask for a $99 refundable deposit to secure our kickoff meeting and begin the process. If we determine that we can significantly impact your bottom line, we'll continue, and you'll pay the remaining balance. If we decide it's not a good fit, we'll refund your deposit. We only work with businesses where we can make a tremendous impact.

How often will we meet and what will we do in our meetings?

We have two main virtual Zoom meetings throughout this process. The first is a kickoff meeting (45-60 minutes) where we meet after we've had a chance to review the data you've given to us. You'll get to ask clarifying questions and we'll really get to know your business. The second is after we've compiled the Financial Blueprint where we will go over each section together, ensuring that you have a full understanding of the numbers. We then run the simulations of what your next steps should be, so you have a clear vision for what to do next in your business.

What if I am not sure if this is for me?

We offer a complimentary Demo Call where you can speak to one of our experts to discuss if this is relevant for your business and get all your questions answered. Schedule a demo call here.

What happens once we're done?

The Profit Blueprint™ is the first step in our Strategic Optimization Plan to help businesses increase net profit. After creating the Financial Blueprint, we conduct an operational analysis to understand the business operations and then work with the leadership team to develop a full Optimization Plan. They can implement the plan themselves, or in special cases, we assist with implementation. Due to high demand, we offer the Financial Blueprint as a stand-alone product for owners who need that initial step in our optimization process.

Still have questions?

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